Career Decisions Named Company Of The Year

Career Decisions Achieve Major Business Accolade Career Decisions Achieve Business All-Star Company of the Year in Career Transition, Leadership Development and Coaching. Career Decisions, an award-winning nationwide firm has been awarded, Company of the Year in Career Transition, Leadership Development and Coaching in 2024 from the All-Ireland Business Foundation. For three decades, Career Decisions has ...

2024-06-06T09:28:26+01:00June 6th, 2024|Awards|0 Comments

New Appointments: Noelle Foley Coughlan & Derek McGourty

New Appointments:  We are pleased to announce two new senior appointments to our management team. Our respected colleague, Noelle Foley Coughlan, has been appointed Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Career Decisions. Noelle brings over 20 years of invaluable experience to the role and will continue to drive the delivery of programmes, operational excellence, and strategic growth as COO. ...

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